I have not forgotten about this blog. I have just been transitioning the whole format of the blog (or rather Steve, my trusty web guy has) and I have not been sure where everything is. I apologize if your life was in any way affected by this absence. And it has been a big one. I have not posted since before I went to Denver at the beginning of the month. Which, by the way was a truly fantastic week. It was great to see folks as always and also really good to start to see how to pull the pieces together in the Midwest. There are so many great people teaching and practicing in this part of the country, it is really time for us to all get a little more networked. So we started a google group. This is a place for every studio and teacher to coordinate our schedules as well as just stay abreast of what is happening in the region. Its intention is really just an outlet for giving and receiving support and sharing a love for the study and practice of Anusara Yoga.
As for classes at home, it has felt hard for me to build any momentum yet as reintegrating back into family life was unbelievably rugged last week. Maple was really having a very hard time. She apparently did fine while I was away, but as soon as I returned…. whoa. And then I got sick for the first time all year. Funny that that coordinates with when i ran out of Chyvanprash. So I have really been out for the count. I even canceled class this morning as my sinuses where just too painful. I have also been very separate from my own asana practice during the last 2 weeks and I am very eager to feel better and to get back at it.
Christina Sell comes to teach a weekend workshop here one month from today. If you would like some more info please contact me, otherwise register as soon as you can. That means if you plan on attending give me a check. This is not so much to hold your space as i think that we have ample room at our new venue, but it is really important that I have an idea on numbers. It is so amazing that a teacher of this caliber is coming to Viroqua. Really unbelievable. And I would love to see just a spectacular turn out so that she feels excited to come back and teach again and also spread the word about how fun it is to come and do a workshop in Viroqua, Wisconsin. So register!
On the home front I am enjoying getting the garden going. It is so much cooler now than it was last year at this time that I only planted snap peas and spinach and lettuce today. Much later than last year. My neighbors are such amazing gardeners and for the last 2 years have helped me get everything going which is not only very helpful but also very educational. We have fun. And I just get so excited thinking about all the seeds turning into beautiful plants and then becoming our food. It is such a great awareness to live with.