Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tapestry yoga

This is very cool. Lots of Yoga and other fine pursuits all under one roof. Next week marks the first week of classes at Tapestry Yoga in Viroqua. There are a whole bunch of classes and teachers to check out. And the first week of classes are free! Wahoo! The schedule is on Kathy's website and you can link to there through her blog. Look right.

I am going to be offering the Sunday practice for now. Starting this Sunday! I keep thinking that I can do more but in reality I keep doing less (except for canning, I keep on doing more of that).

So, I have really missed everyone lots and lots and I am really looking forward to seeing folks back on their mats. And some new folks too I hope.

I could go on, but I will keep it short. I have lots of interesting happenings brewing but they need to settle a little bit more before I can share them.

See you Sunday.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last Call

So, tomorrow morning is the final horah at the warehouse. It has been fun to be there over the summer. Love you Val. And, contrary to my last entry, I am going to offer something at Tapestry Yoga for the fall session. I will keep the Sunday Led Practice going so that nobody thinks that I have disappeared completely into the arms of motherhood. It will run from 7 am until 8:45 and will be a fun time to get together and do a structured led practice. We will work on all class of poses and have an opportunity to go a little deeper than we might in classes. I am also going to offer an inversion workshop on a Sunday in November. Should be great. I love teaching inversions and really can't wait.

But for now. Tomorrow I am thinking that we are going to do a lot of hips and thigh openings and then work on some lotus variations. Why not. Seems like an auspicious way to end the summer. I hope folks can join me, otherwise I will see you later in the month back in the Landmark.