Tuesday, April 28, 2009

another update

I am on the upswing after what was really a very horrific experience. My much belated apologies to any mother who once told me that she had mastitis and to whom I smiled and nodded sympathetically without understanding the full gravity of their condition. I am so sorry. Again. Wow. But thanks to the support and suggestions from many folks in the area I am feeling almost as good as new. Almost. I hope to make it in to practice tomorrow with my little audience of one (this is an entry for a later date, because oh, there is so much to say).

I was thinking today about why I have not been writing for awhile. I have really not been contemplating anything deep or anything that I thought has been worth sharing. Chalking it up to baby brain. But today I realized that what is really happening is that I have been deeply captivated by the simplest parts of my day. The way the wind blows the maple buds directly onto my porch, the way sod slumps when it is in a roll, how spry goats are when chicken are not sitting on their backs, my three year olds dream sharing, a simple and delicious recipe, the standing pose sequence in the primary series, the breath, how soft children look in sleep. And then I realized that these are all such comforting and lovely things to let my thoughts go to and that really aren't they in some ways where I am trying to get when I am working through different contemplations?

So that is that. Spring is here and I am full of glee. My girl is sleeping in a fairy dress and I am loving holding young ones and then breathing and stretching my body. How lovely. It occurs to me that if we ever want to dip into the sensuous we should read what someone who loves food or nature has written about it. It is full of bliss. Just the experience. Not the directions toward the experience. Yum. Anyhow.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


This is just a quick note from an errant blogger...

I completed a whole long entry about a week ago and then somehow never put it up or saved it. i think that I must have been distracted by some sort of baby adventure. I will give more of an update soon.

This morning, however, I just need to let folks know that there will be no practice. I think that I have my first case of mastitis (I never had this with Maple in almost 3 years of nursing) and was up all night with a fever. And all there really is to say about that is WOW. I had no idea.

But I had a great sequence planned and I hope to save it for next weekend. I will let you know. There may be a little bit of shuffling next weekend as Chris may have a race.

Love to all.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

few and far between

Wow. Rough week at the Newlin house. We have entered a new phase and I cannot say that it is awesome. Eider has started having a harder time falling asleep (read: more crying) and this in turn sets Maple off and she gets loud and crabby which makes it harder for Eider to fall asleep or stay asleep and then Maple becomes more upset and it just goes on and on. And I was solo for a few days. Awesome. I finally sent Maple off for a few hours today so that she could have some much needed fun and Eider could have some much needed sleep. And now papa is home. ahhhhh....

Anyway. Is this a yoga blog or what?

I am going to be updating the website in the next few weeks so check it out. On there you will find the pdf for Christina Sell's workshop to be held in Viroqua in June. Can't wait. Really.

Last Sunday I did an amazing forward fold heavy practice with Kathy Doerfer. It was great. I love practicing with Kathy. She is such a dedicated practitioner and is very skilled at tuning in to herself. It was fun. I am really not in condition. I am making valiant attempts at regaining some strength but it is pretty challenging when I only make it onto my mat 2x a week. Alas. I was imploding after 2 1/2 minutes in Sirsasana. Wow. Onward we go. I am learning a lot.

This Friday is good friday and we are still having class. Because class is good. That is all there is to it. Less talk, more asana. Sunday is Easter, and there will not be a practice. Easter egg hunt for 3 year old trumps Mom's yoga gig. Go figure. I will however, be making it in to the studio for a practice at some point over the weekend I just have to confer with Chris about when that will be. Same deal, 2 hours, led format. I will post with details for that tomorrow.

Until then, goodnight. Everything in life changes. Enjoy it all. Even the muck.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

into it

First class happened on Friday. Yippie! I was so excited to begin teaching again that I was practically vibrating. Small turn out due to spring break but I have high hopes for this class. First off, it is all levels, great for anybody of sound body and a lot of curiosity (read the previous blog entry). This is my intention for this class: CONDITIONING. We are looking to cultivate strength and flexibility in poses on the first syllabus and to do so in a way that is full of self honor. Friday morning is a time to get psyched to do something great for your body and nourishing foe your heart.

Sunday is for working on some poses (because you are so conditioned from Friday!), Tomorrow we are doing a bunch of work to get into a very delicious hanumanasana.

On a personal note: I thought that practicing before class on Friday would work out great for all parties involved. Wrong. It went just swimmingly for me, but not so for the big and little men. Oh well. Can't push it. Thursday will have to be one of my times for my practice instead. Really, I am looking at being able to get on my mat 2 or 3 times a week max. So I have to be a laser. Get down to business and utilize every minute (read: the opposite of what I was doing when I was pregnant),

But right now I have a sweet little baby sleeping on my chest and it doesn't really get much better than this.