Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hey Hey Hey

I made it into the studio today with much success. My recent attempts have seen me in 40+ minute savasanas. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but today it felt great to get in there and move and breathe a bit. I even finished my pre-natal sequence with some pranayama. Good Stuff. How was this possible for you today? You may be asking.... Well, it's pretty simple. I slept for over 11 hours both of the last 2 nights. Never underestimate the power of a good nights sleep. At any rate, that was great and now I am utterly exhausted.

I had my blessing way on Sunday, we had brunch, and that was really wonderful. I guess that we are just about as ready as we can be for our new arrival. I am still hoping that I can get the kids room a little more organized in the next week or so and also get the majority of my seeds ordered for spring. I am also still compulsively knitting things for both the babe and Maple. This is really good for me because it keeps a usually up and at 'em mama in her chair. That and it has been fun to connect with all of the other mama's in the knitting group. I wonder how they will all respond when I begin relentlessly pushing yoga on all of them? Hmmh? It has been so fantastic to take a break from being the yoga teacher and just be another mother.

Right now I am watching Maple launch her baby doll over a box and down the stairs, landing on her face. Maple insists that she really likes this which has prompted a conversation in what we must never ever do to our real baby. This is oddly more concerning in this moment than it probably should be.

Also on the docket is getting flyers made for Christina's workshop and also for the spring schedule. This is all very exciting to me as I am already feeling the nig surge toward renewed practice and classes. What great fun. Keep your eyes peeled for some rockin' marketing material.

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