Thursday, May 7, 2009


Springing into summer that is for sure.

Well, everything is moving here, that is for sure. It is pretty much non-stop. All thrilling of course.

Kids are great. Maple is almost a free bird for the summer and I think that she will be a bit sad about that unless her mama comes up with a slew of brilliant activities. I am thinking lots of friends and lots of swimming... Eider. Well Eider is just splendid. we are all in-love and in-awe of Eider.

I have opened up a huge patch of earth for the new garden. Nothing is planted as of yet as I wait for it to stop raining so much and for my neighbor to get in there again with his super tiller. But the plans have been made and that is exciting now as we watch them unfold.

The chicken plan is still in the works. I will keep you updated. But hopefully many chicks sometime in June. We need to refab one of the sheds for them. Can't wait. Really.

Also, Chris just got me a new bike which I am both very grateful for and also very excited (scared!) to learn how to ride. The women's group ride is starting up this Tuesday and I hope to be there every other week when Gramma is here. I need to get out sans bebes and get my but in gear. We all need that of me...

And Yoga. Hmmmh. Lets see. Where to begin? Well, I need to come up with a better plan than my current one. That is for sure. My current one has me with child(ren) non-stop from Monday until sometime on Thursday by which point I have officially lost my mind and I do not even know how to go anywhere once given the opportunity. So my practice is really suffering for it and I am needing to reconfigure my use of time. I am even contemplating hanging up my hat after Christina's workshop (nigh 6 weeks away! Oh My!). But there is no telling as of yet. I just need to strengthen my relationship with my own practice. Which for anyone who knows me knows that this is a very big deal as this has most often come very easily for me. I am blessed in this way as far as my physical practice has been concerned. That is not to say that it is not hard for me it is more to the point that getting and being on my mat has never really been very hard. Right now, different story. Which is kind of catapaulting me into an identity crisis of sorts. More on that later perhaps.

So this weekend is mothers day and as a gift to you and to me, class tomorrow is going to be a led practice, free of charge. Sequence a la John Friend. Wahoo. So I hope this pleases.

I am off to put the eyes on Maple's horse. It turned out very well (in case there are any knitters who actually read this...)

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